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The Future is Accessible: E-commerce Trends 2024

e-commerce accessibility

E-commerce emerged in 1989 but through easy and affordable access to the internet now has become a booming industry. E-commerce simply stands for electronic commerce, which is pretty self-explanatory. Almost all of us have participated in e-commerce at some point in time but do you know about e-commerce accessibility?

So today, let us try to focus on the accessibility of e-commerce followed by the top trends in e-commerce in 2024.

What is E-commerce Accessibility

Whenever you have purchased something online without going to the store physically, you have shopped through e-commerce. Anybody with access to the internet through any device can shop or sell. It is a big advantage for the small and big companies and sellers. 

However, it is important to ensure that these facilities are available for people suffering from different impairments. Hence, it leads to more market exposure. For example: you can sell your handmade sweaters or jewellery to a buyer in Kerala while you are in Himachal Pradesh.

Popular E-commerce Trends in 2024

Learning about e-commerce can be beneficial to you too, whether you are a goods maker, service provider, or a customer. And since 2024 is here, it is important to learn about what trends e-commerce might go through during this year. 

Following are some of the predicted trends of e-commerce in 2024. Let’s dive into the future world of 3-commerce in 2024 without any further delay:

Inclusive design

Inclusive e-commerce design is the foundation of e-commerce accessibility. One of the main benefits of e-commerce is that it expands the reach of the product. But still, some people are not able to easily browse the internet due to several issues. One such issue can be some sort of disability, for example, visual impairment. 

To get past this, several solutions are being invented, such as voice-automated commands which can be activated by an individual by just voicing certain commands. Also, making the interface of the website and apps simpler and visually appealing is the trend.

AI personalization

Personalization is being revolutionized with the power of AI. AI or artificial intelligence is being used in the e-commerce market by the web-developers. This AI helps in personalizing the shopping experience as the AI is capable of recommending products and services to the user. 

This makes sure that each customer feels seen and their shopping experience is enhanced. 

Augmented Reality

AR, previously being used for marketing goods and products, now is being used to make e-commerce more easily accessible to people. For example, augmented reality can be used to help the customer try on clothes or glasses before purchasing online. 

This in turn will enhance the shopping experience many folds and improve the overall e-commerce site accessibility.

Sustainable products

With customers being more and more woke and informed about climate and environmental issues, it’s no shocker that sustainable products, packaging, and brands promoting sustainability would be preferred. 

Further, for documents, you must ensure PDF accessibility remediation.

Subscription perks

With the inflation and recession in the market, it is going to be important for the brands to justify the money paid by the customers to be members. 

For this, additional perks are going to be a hit in 2024.

Social Commerce

After 2020 and the global lockdown, the internet has taken over a lot of markets. E-commerce is also being led and it is predicted to be mainly influenced by social media. 

For example, TikTok shopping and shopping from Instagram posts’ links is in the trend and this trend is not going anywhere.

Wrapping Up

In the end, we can say that 2024 is going to be an interesting year for e-commerce and the markets involved. Stay informed of these trends and make sure that you are not leaving the hot deals of the hour, day, or week. 

Direct-to-consumer brands can also benefit from staying informed and implementing strategies to increase their brand’s reach. Keep tuned to learn more about the changing trends throughout 2024.

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